Friday, August 02, 2019

Don’t call it a comeback...

Welcome to the return of my blog. It has now been rechristened as, and will be the sister site to my podcast Music Is Life (available on most podcast formats).

Since I started blogging, I’ve been blessed with a maturity that I continue to involve in my existence. No longer will I post angry ramblings about things that used to drive me insane. Instead, it’s an objective look at something subjective - art. Why? Art means different things for many people. What we seem to have a hard time discussing is why we like or dislike certain things, because of fear of judgment. It shouldn’t have to be that way. Art is meant to inspire and bring value to our lives. And for the artists out there, keep putting your best work out there. People will see the value the more you expose it to us.

More to come. Feel free to subscribe to the blog and podcast. Best wishes to all.